Since I will be in a different department, school, and not in charge of a classroom, I will base my answers off of what I have done in the past. I did K-12 and so what I did to get to know my students varied. I also taught computers, PE, and Health so I had many different settings for my first week of school. In the computer setting we did a class kahoot to have everyone involved. In the gym, I would have everyone say their name and something interesting about them. After everyone would say it, I would go through each kid and repeat what they said. I did this at the end of the class too. For my 9th grade health class, I gave them the opportunity to decorate my room through posters and whatnot for extra credit. I walked around the room and talked to the students individually. I went to a very small school and so I knew my students coming in. Ways I keep up with the rapport of my students would include coaching. I felt like the students I coached, we had a better in class relationsh...